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Easy DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

Yes, you can wear a Halloween costume to school if you choose one of our Easy DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas. They’re perfect for last-minute parties, too.

All of these looks can be made with things you already have in your closet plus a few items from the dollar store. Best of all, they’re almost guaranteed to pass even the strictest school costume rules.

Singles, couples or groups—we’ve got you covered! Here are just a few of the ideas we found:


Easy DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas: Glamour Girls


Tip: If school rules say the bow is too much or the bangs too long, just snip the bangs & make the bow smaller!

Source: Good Housekeeping



Queen of Hearts

Source: Good Housekeeping



Minnie Mouse

Source: Good Housekeeping



Cut T-Shirt Skeleton

Tip: Just skip the face paint for school if it’s a no-no.

Source: Good Housekeeping



Cute Couples DIY Halloween Costumes:

Chip & Joanna from Fixer Upper

Source: Good Housekeeping



Easy DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas: Couples or Singles Ideas

Tip: These costumes work for couples, single or even brother & sister!

Rosie the Riveter & The Brawny Guy

Source: Good Housekeeping



DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas: 50 Shades of Gray

Classy, Sexy & Clean 50 Shades of Gray Couple

Source: popsugar



50 Shades of T-Shirt for Him

Source: buzzfeed



50 Shades of Paint Chip Skirt for Her

Source: hercampus



Easy DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas: Group Costumes for Everybody!

50 Shades of Gray for BFF’s

Source: popsugar



Men—or BFFs—in Black (Going out as a group? Take the dog!)

Source: Good Housekeeping



Easy DIY Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas: Head of the Class for Couples or Singles

Technology Rules!

Source: Good Housekeeping



She’s a “Smartee” Pants—He’s a Smart Cookie

Source: Good Housekeeping



Bonus Idea for Little Bro or Sis:

Are you the darling who volunteered to take your kid brother or sister trick or treating? We love you! Here’s an adorable idea that works “come rain or come shine”:

Source: Good Housekeeping


For more ideas, check out these blogs:

Click HERE for Good Housekeeping’s 50+ Last-Minute Halloween Costumes You Can Quickly DIY Before Your Big Party


Click HERE for Popsugar’s blog: Cheap DIY Sexy Costumes


Click HERE for Buzzfeed’s blog: 30 Halloween Costumes That Put All Of Us To Shame  


Click HERE for Hercampus’ blog: The 12 Most Creative and Easy Halloween DIY Costumes