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Fun, Silly & Sweet: Ideas to Make Prom Even More Special

Prom “Night” is definitely a big deal. But what about Prom Day? Why not take the edge off the stress of getting ready by planning some fun and silly things to do while you anticipate the arrival of your date? We’ve even got a couple of ideas for unusual things to do with the usual prom pictures and activities. So have a look at our list. We guarantee you’ll find some of them corny or silly, but sometimes silly makes the best memories don’t they?

Make a Spa Day of it…like Kids!

If you’ve planned to have a mini spa day to help each other get ready, why not make it hysterically funny?  Anybody can use a face mask out of a jar, but how about a face mask you can eat?

  • Banana Avocado Mask, Yogurt Cucumber Parsley, and Chocolate Face Mask are 100% edible.
  • Make a batch of Rainbow Fruity Bath Salts for everyone to take home as a favor to enjoy a bubble bath after prom or the next day.

Where did we find this crazy stuff? Right here, and there’s even more—cuticle creams and lip balm and even an oatmeal hand spa: http://www.birthdaypartyideas4kids.com/homemade-spa-recipes.htm

Watch a Prom Movie…a Scary One!

Footloose is great but while you’re messing around with all that edible stuff, it’s day time so why not watch a killer prom flick like Carrie or Prom Night? And with Prom Night you can have a double feature—1980 and 2008—and Carrie gives you 3 versions.

Book a Hotel Room for Pre-Prom Makeovers

If you want to make your preparations more formal, go for it! You might even find a hotel that has spa services like massage. So save up your money and do each other’s hair and makeup, but splurge on a relaxing massage.

Spend a Little One-on-One Time with Your Date

Especially if you’re already a couple, it could be romantic to have a picnic together or just take some time in the car before you go in for the festivities. This is also a good time to thank him for all the trouble he went through, too, especially if he paid for the tickets or rented a car.

Carry Something Special in Your Handbag

This is on the order of a bride’s “old, new, borrowed, blue” idea. Borrow your mom’s pearls or a brooch to pin to your dress. You could even buy something tiny and silly, like a teddy bear that matches your dress and then keep on your keychain long after prom.

Another Wedding Steal: Bubbles & Confetti

Pack a little fun in your purse like a baggie of confetti—with the prom year, of course—or mini bottles of bubbles like for weddings. This can make for some fun and sweet photos of you all having a wonderful time on the dance floor.

Make a Slide Show or Mini-Movie

You’ll have pix of you getting ready and photos during prom (and after, too, right?) If your camera has the capability, you might have some videos, too. So after prom is over, get your best PC/video guru to make a “film” of still photos in a slide show or a clipped together movie – or maybe both.

This is one more steal from wedding photography so to get ideas, look online for wedding videos that include film and still photos.

Don’t Miss the After-Prom Party

Whether there’s a formal affair thrown by the school or a group going to the beach or just to hang out in someone’s back yard—even if it’s just coffee in your fancy clothes, don’t let the night end when you walk out the door after the last dance.

For more ideas on how to make your prom the best it can be, check out our blogs.